How GrokCII Works

Discover how GrokCII combines AI-generated ASCII art with wallet addresses to create unique personalized characters.

Character Generation

Every wallet connected to GrokCII automatically receives a unique ASCII character generated by Grok AI. This character is permanently linked to your wallet address and stored in our database.

1The Generation Process

  1. When you connect your wallet for the first time, our system checks if you already have a character
  2. If no character exists, we send a request to Grok AI with a carefully crafted prompt
  3. Grok AI generates a unique fantasy character with a name, ASCII art representation, and backstory
  4. The character is saved to our database and associated with your wallet address

2The Prompt We Use

Generate a unique fantasy character with the following:
1. A creative fantasy name
2. An ASCII art representation of the character (maximum 20 lines)
3. A short backstory (2-3 sentences)

Format the response exactly like this:
NAME: [character name]
[ASCII art]
STORY: [character backstory]

We use a temperature setting of 0.9 to ensure high creativity and uniqueness for each character.

Did you know?

Each character is completely unique. Even if two users have similar ASCII art, the combination of name, art, and backstory ensures that no two characters are exactly alike.


GrokCII allows you to tokenize your character by linking it to an SPL token on the Solana blockchain. This creates a connection between your unique character and a tradable token, allowing you to participate in the wider ecosystem.

1How to Tokenize Your Character

  1. Create an SPL token on Solana (using tools like
  2. Go to the Tokenize page on GrokCII
  3. Enter your SPL token address in the form
  4. Submit the form to link your character to the token

Once tokenized, your character will appear in the "Tokenized Characters" section, and you can click on it to view it on

2Benefits of Tokenization

  • Create a tradable asset based on your unique character
  • Join the growing ecosystem of Solana-based ASCII art tokens
  • Showcase your character's uniqueness and rarity
  • Connect with other GrokCII character owners
Security Note

Your character data is stored securely in our database. The tokenization process only creates a link between your character and the SPL token - it doesn't transfer ownership of your character data.